Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tentative 2007 to do list

In no particular order:

1. Re- introduce myself to pilates and yoga
2. Make a skirt from the Built by Wendy book
3. Figure out how to make a little snap bag (like this one)
4. Take more walks
5. Cook dinner more often
6. Make myself a soft hat and scarf to match my orange coat
7. Re-read The Red Tent (possibly my favorite book of all time)
8. Clean out the extra bedroom closet and get rid of clothes I don't wear
9. Re-vamp my wardrobe
10. Join the co-op near our apartment
11. Visit the dentist
12. Start a new journal
13. Maintain my date book so I can look back on 2007 once it's 2008
14. Plan our SF trip in June
15. Work on this
16. Make a quilt
17. Take more photos (and put some on flickr)
18. Cut down on my refined sugar intake
19. Start saving $$ for another european trip or Lake Louise
20. Speaking of saving $$, I need to be better about saving for taxes this year!

Looking this over I realize that many of the goals I've listed are things I enjoyed very much in 2005 and that 2006 has somehow passed in a school-related haze. And that makes me kind of sad. And a little panicky because I can't remember exactly what I've been doing for the last 365 days, other than... lab work and a large trip to Italy in June. So I guess in 2007 I'd like to figure out a way to balance academia with craft, activity, loose organization, friends/family, and travel.


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