I'm having kind of a bad week:
1. Accidentally walked in on my boss taking a pee when we were out at a restaurant (gahhh!!! blushing just thinking about it. So embarrassing)
2. Gave a shaky, nervous introduction for a seminar speaker I was hosting yesterday. I can still hear my wavering voice blasting out into the auditorium...
3. Mad at myself for not asking a question of said seminar speaker, even though it was a relevant one that I'm still wondering about.
These are all small, stupid things that should be let go immediately. I realize this. Am I the only one that obsesses over social faux pas / a less than stellar performance for days afterward? Sometimes it feels like it.
This is all coming on the heels of a bad couple of months, actually. I've hesitated to put it out here, but I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks at the beginning of March and it has surprised me a little at how rough going it's been since then. For sure I am feeling better physically and emotionally, but it does still creep up on me at unexpected times. I'm trying really hard to work through it all in a healthy way but I'm still feeling unmotivated, unexcited about my lab work, and I'm totally dreading a presentation I have coming up next week. Just not like myself, I guess.
This too will pass, I know. Just wanted to put it out there, so hopefully in a couple of months I can come back here and realize this was a rough patch and I made it through.