Thursday, April 29, 2010

Some random stuff I've been into lately:
pear tree green tea - I get this a lot at the cafe near school. Nice with a little honey.
recipe journal from moleskine
cross over velcro strap shoe from Groundhog. This brand is new to me but it looks like they have some great stuff.

Caipirinhas on Friday evenings after work. I used this ginger cordial recipe, which I also mixed with club soda to make something like ginger ale.

Nothing like an at-home science project: wild yeast.

I'm having kind of a bad week:

1. Accidentally walked in on my boss taking a pee when we were out at a restaurant (gahhh!!! blushing just thinking about it. So embarrassing)

2. Gave a shaky, nervous introduction for a seminar speaker I was hosting yesterday. I can still hear my wavering voice blasting out into the auditorium...

3. Mad at myself for not asking a question of said seminar speaker, even though it was a relevant one that I'm still wondering about.


These are all small, stupid things that should be let go immediately. I realize this. Am I the only one that obsesses over social faux pas / a less than stellar performance for days afterward? Sometimes it feels like it.

This is all coming on the heels of a bad couple of months, actually. I've hesitated to put it out here, but I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks at the beginning of March and it has surprised me a little at how rough going it's been since then. For sure I am feeling better physically and emotionally, but it does still creep up on me at unexpected times. I'm trying really hard to work through it all in a healthy way but I'm still feeling unmotivated, unexcited about my lab work, and I'm totally dreading a presentation I have coming up next week. Just not like myself, I guess.

This too will pass, I know. Just wanted to put it out there, so hopefully in a couple of months I can come back here and realize this was a rough patch and I made it through.