No brain power = no title
But we're going away for the weekend to pre-celebrate our anniversary - more on this later!
p.s. This had me cracking up in the car yesterday
As opposed to "type A"
Right after I finished undergrad, my parents helped me buy a 1994 Honda Accord, which R and I then drove from PA to CA. It has taken part in many adventures since, and part of me is sad to see it go. Plus it became such a piece of crap that it didn't matter if I scratched the bumper, if we parked it in an unsavory part of town, or if we used it for dirty camping trips. At first it was funny when it began to stall whenever I came to a stop sign, when the gas guage stopped working, when the driver's side key only worked if you had the magic touch. But finally it really started to fall apart:
That would be a vise grip standing in for the window handle.
Meet our new "SportWagon":